Fish Photos

humbug catfish


texas cichlid

gold stripe corydoras





should be enough to keep you going :lol:
Pink Convict Cichlids

Platnium Angelfish

Black Angelfish


These aren't as good as most of the others, but they are my pride and joy! Feel free to use any pics I have on photobucket or on the forum. Colleen Wiedemann
If you need guppy photo's I can try to get some good pics of mine,

Heres a couple more photos you might be able to use.

A male veiltail siamese fighter

A female veiltail siamese fighter

And part of a Pakastani (yo-yo) loach

I also have other picture of my different Borneo loaches but you would have to try and get them correctly identified. I should also be able to get a good photo of one of my huge common Bristle nose males and one of the large females if you want them. I might even be able to get my black neon tetras to co-operate if you need pics of them.
I've just got a photo of my male platy who's rather pretty and a photo of both my oto's. I'm trying to work out how I get them re-sized large enough to post them for you though. I'm hopeless with computers so it would have to be explained simply - if you want the pictures that is (you've probably got enough by now!)
I've just got a photo of my male platy who's rather pretty and a photo of both my oto's. I'm trying to work out how I get them re-sized large enough to post them for you though. I'm hopeless with computers so it would have to be explained simply - if you want the pictures that is (you've probably got enough by now!)

You will need a Photobucket or Flicker account that you upload your pictures to, from there it is an easy matter of clicking on the picture you want, right clicking and then hitting copy, then go to the section of the forum you want and hit paste. I find it easiest to have the forum page I want open as well as the photobucket account so all I have to do is minimise and maximise which ever page I want.
I've just got a photo of my male platy who's rather pretty and a photo of both my oto's. I'm trying to work out how I get them re-sized large enough to post them for you though. I'm hopeless with computers so it would have to be explained simply - if you want the pictures that is (you've probably got enough by now!)
We still want more pictures. Platies are fine. Anything is okay. Keep the pictures coming guys!!!
colleen0309, I think those angelfish are stunning!
Lots of cool new pics, that HMDT betta is pretty cool and the loach picture will definitely be helpful!
Most of my cory pics are not single fish, here's a few solo pics

Black schultzi

Panda youngster

Adult Panda

Albino cory with eggs
Group pictures are fine, it will be good for demonstrating shoaling behavior too.
Unless specified otherwise, all photos will be credited with your username.
Those cories are great, I can definitely use a couple of those pictures and maybe one or two of the solos.
A pictus, featherfin, or upside-down cat would be great, if anyone has one.

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