Fish Free To Good Home - Sutton Surrey


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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We will be moving in August and I want to list my fish tank on ebay... but I don't want to risk someone buys my tank and tosses my fish in the bin.  I have previously attempted to sell my on here but have had no takers.  Willing to sell or relist it if anyone is interested... will be listing it on ebay otherwise soon as I can rehome my fish (or hoping to rehome them first!)

I am willing to split up the fish to multiple takers if that means they all get a home.
Livestock: Norman's Male yellow Honey Gourami (1), Lampeyes (9 or 10), Endlers (4), Amano shrimp (not sure, maybe 8?), assassin snails (as many as I can dig out of the gravel or find!)
Age and condition: various, all seem healthy at this time.
Reason for Sale:  Moving must sell the tank
Collection: Collection needed
Sales price:  FREE
Willing to Ship:  No
General Location:  Sutton Surrey

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It was!  I think it was just the luck of the right person reading at the time.

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