fish eating other fish


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
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there has been something wrong wit my guppy for a couple of days now he has been sitting on the bottom of the tank not really doing much all day. i was just watching the tank when my red tailed shark started trying to eat the guppy and my dannio was trying to eat it to, and then to top it all off a fellow guppy tried to eat it as well they have eaten most of its tail. why are they doing this also my other guppys are sitting around on the bottom of the tank still eating and swimming occasionally any idea what could be wrong wit them?
If it's laying on the bottom on it's side i'm afraid to say it's dieing, can you issolate the fish so it can pass on in peace, also what are your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Yes. When fish die others try to eat the dying fish. Nobody knows why they do this. Try to let it die in peace like others have said. Or put the fish in a bag with water and ice cubes and put the bag in the freezer for a few mins. This may sound cruel but it is the nicest way to let them go.
I am sorry.

Coral platy said:
Or put the fish in a bag with water and ice cubes and put the bag in the freezer for a few mins. This may sound cruel but it is the nicest way to let them go.
Never, ever kill a fish by freezing!
It might be a nice way to go for a human or another warmblooded animal, but it's painful and stressing for a fish! Cutting it's spine with sharp scissors or a knife is the best way: quick and painless.

Please read this thread! Euthanasia
Yes i read that AFTER i posted the nmessage i did not know it was painfull for them.

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