Fish Biting Fish

Ebony Wolf

New Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I need Help!!! My Molly has a lot of times chase my Black Phantom Tetras, But just now she bit one of them on the tail fin! :no: My Black Phantoms Tetras are both girls. If I put a male Tetra in with them well he put my molly in line?
adding more black phantoms would certainly help the situation.
they should be in a group of at least 5, to feel "safe" in their enviroment.

you should treat the tank with melafix to help prevent any infection of the nipped tail and to promote regrowth of the finnage.
I think my molly is pregnant and, when she gets aggressive is when we give them food. Could that be why she bite my Black Phantom Tetra's tail. :sad:
it could be the amount of fish u have in your tank...thats why i asked how many fish and how big is your tank...most fish are territorial

Tetras like to swim in shoalls, 2 isn't enough, it makes them vunerable, add 5 to 6 more. Try to get more females than males.


Mail me if you need more help.

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