Firebellied Toad Diary

Glad to hear that Splodge is doing so well and that you will be getting him a new home very soon.

Hopefully you can get some pictures of him for us. Do you think you will add a friend to his tank in days to come?
Hi Samage :)

I'm happy that Splodge is doing so well. :thumbs: And just as sorry about Slurp. :byebye:

It's good that he will take the dried food too. One of the worst things about pets that only take live food is that you have to be so careful to always have something for them to eat. This will take some of that concern from you.

I'd love to see pictures of them too. :nod: When you post them, be sure to put them in the Household Pets forum so they can might be nominated for the POTM contest.

Splodge, a pet with a story, will surely get one! :thumbs:
Thanks, folks :D as soon as me camera works some pics shalt come forth :)


Today, I bought Splodge's shiny new tank. It's 24x8x8 inches, which is just how I wanted a tank - long, low and my little toad friend can roam, and climb the walls without falling TOO far and hurting himself! The substrate is as before, a mixture of damp pea gravel and moss, and the pool consists of a 10x3 inch lunchbox sunk into the substrate. The pool itself has fine gravel on the bottom, and the water is 5cm deep, and a few small waterplants in it. It's really easy to change too, just lift the box out and change it :). The landmass is all damp, takes up a lot of the tank, lumps of moss and abits of bark littered about...he seems to love exploring it!

He's eaten some Reptomin today, some freeze-dried shrimp and a deceased moth. I'm feeding in smaller quantities now, dont want to go overboard and make him too fat.
Hi Samage :)

That sounds like a great home for Splodge! :thumbs: He must think he moved into a toad mansion. :D
As of today, Friday 4th June the diary updates are to become less frequent - although they'll still be at least once a week. Now he's stable there's no need to report every little thing that goes on every day...

Today, I discovered something about FBTs - unlike many toads, they also eat their prey in water! I discovered this after adding a new plant to his pool, which had a bloodworm on it. As the worm swam along, Splodge ate it. Great, this means I can use midge larvae that occur in several places in my garden as a food source - adding to the variety! Another good thing about old buckets of water in the garden...the amount of drowned bugs you get on the surface. I gathered these up today and now have a tub containing a great array of deceased bugs for him to eat...takes em out of my fingers.

I'm so glad your baby is doing well, and I am sorry you lost one. You have been doing an excellent job caring for them :)

Good luck with him, and give him an extra treat from me :)


He's now trained to regularly eat out of my fingers. He seems a real character, and he's so active, always on the move! I've added daphnia tp his swimming water, which he apparently eats (and they contain a form of carotene which keeps his belly a nice orange) and bloodworms. I feed him on aphids, reptomin, worms, dead flies, dead midges and dead moths collected from various places. He accepts all with gusto! He also shed his skin this week, was a little worried at first cos I thought he was ill. However, he soon slid the old skin off and ate it :).

I think it's safe to say that he has been saved now. :kana:

Yesterday, I noticed a rather nasty smell coming from Splodge's I decided to clean the gravel which forms his landmass....UGH! It was all covered with this stagnant black slime which wouldn't come off, I had to get rid of 90% of it. I've redesigned his tank to include more water, and using natural bark and moss for the landmass.

And today, whilst looking around another petshop...ANOTHER FBT! And it was in an EVEN WORSE STATE THAN (the late) SLURP! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Suddenly, the Samage alarms went off, I knew I had to buy it. So I did, and took the little guy home. Just when I thought things were settling down, this comes up, but frankly I don't care! This toad needs TLC and fast! I've called him Slimer, after that cool green guy from Ghostbusters, and he's a Yellow bellied FBT (bombina variegata) rather than B. orientalis that Splodge is...

He's in a very very bad way, I'll do my best but frankly my hopes are not high. I'm amazed he's still alive now actually. It'd be a shame to lose him, you don't see many FBTs around here, especially not yellowbellies.
Hi Samage :)

Slimer is a lucky frog indeed. He has the benefit of all your experience and if anyone can pull him through, I know it will be you. :nod:

What was that black stuff in the tank? Is it normal? :dunno:
Haven't a clue what the black stuff was, some say it could have been a bacterial infestation caused by insufficient oxygenation in the gravel. Basically, the way I saw it:

It's yukky and stinks - anything yukky and/or stinky is bad - bad stuff gets removed.

Simple but effective logic :p
It was nice to read the update on Splodge. I'm so happy he is doing so well. I am glad you rescued Slimmer and I'll say a prayer that he makes it. Good luck with him and let us know how things go.
It amazes me how two different pet shops can have such different ideas on how to look after FBTs....and how both can get it so spectacularly wrong.

SPLODGE and SLURP were kept with fiddler crabs, in a tank with just 1 rock for landmass, and were fed cockles along with the crabs. Which they don't eat...and the crabs fight with toads. And the toads poison the water for the crabs. Madness.

SLIMER (Who, sadly, is probably beyond help) was kept on his own, in a tank consisting of 100% water, and was fed FISH FLAKES! The LFS man even told me he was 100% aquatic! The fact that he kept climing on top of the filter just to get some air obviously meant nothing to this guy.
That is so sad :( I sure hope that Slimmer pulls through but I know it won't be from lack of you trying to save his life. If nothing else, at least he was shown the love he deserved and the proper housing in his last days. I pray however that he makes a turn for the better. I'll be thinking of you. I hope you can update again early next week. I'm going off line for quite a while and may not be able to see the updates for several weeks. You both will be in my thoughts.
I really haven't heard too many good stories about pet stores and amphibians =\ Between the mis labeling of many aquatic frogs and the poor treatment of your toads. It's sad :( Petco sold my gf's friend 5 fbt for a 10 gallon tank. He seemed to give good advice other than the fact I thought 5 was a bit much for that tank, but of course I really don't know anythin gabout them. At least the ones she got were well fed and the guy even gave her a deal on some crickets, I think it was like 100 small crickets for the price of 40 or something like that. Anyways good luck to you, I hope Slimer makes it!

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