Finally decided... your opinions please


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2020
Reaction score
Lancashire, U.K.
As some of you may know I've been pondering on what fish to get for my little 65 litre tank (17 gallon), I've found fish that I couldn't have and have been scratching my head about it all (I swear I've gone even more bald now). After all was said and done, I thought I'd go for simpler fish, ones that I think I'll have no problem handling (and that they'd get along).

Mahachaiensis Betta x 1 (was brackish, looking for alternative)
Neon Tetra x 6 Ember Tetra x 6
Ottocinclus Vittatus x 6

Top layer - Frogbit
Lower layer - Anubias barteri, Java fern and cryptocorynes

Black fine sand(?) Grey/standard Sand

Lava rocks(?) River rocks
Mopani Root.

Okay a couple of questions, I'm thinking a more natural rock for the hardscape, maybe some browns and greys, do I have to buy these or can I get them from a local river and give them a good soak and clean? (I'm quite frugal). Also, when it comes to adding ther fish, do I add a school at a time, and the betta last, or the opposite way round?
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As some of you may know I've been pondering on what fish to get for my little 65 litre tank (17 gallon), I've found fish that I couldn't have and have been scratching my head about it all (I swear I've gone even more bald now). After all was said and done, I thought I'd go for simpler fish, ones that I think I'll have no problem handling (and that they'd get along).

Mahachaiensis Betta x 1 (He's so damn adorable)
Neon Tetra x 6
Ottocinclus Vittatus x 6

Top layer - Frogbit
Lower layer - Anubias barteri, Java fern and cryptocorynes

Black fine sand(?)

Lava rocks(?)
Mopani Root.

Okay a couple of questions, I'm thinking a more natural rock for the hardscape, maybe some browns and greys, do I have to buy these or can I get them from a local river and give them a good soak and clean? (I'm quite frugal). Also, when it comes to adding ther fish, do I add a school at a time, and the betta last, or the opposite way round?
I’m pretty sure you can just wash the stuff really good. And add school before betta
I’m pretty sure you can just wash the stuff really good. And add school before betta

Awesome to know, I dont mind lava rock, but I would prefer smoother rocks with the little oto's and Betta around. And thanks for letting me know about schools. Are there no alarm bells ringing for this tank? just want to make sure everything is hunky-dory
Awesome to know, I dont mind lava rock, but I would prefer smoother rocks with the little oto's and Betta around. And thanks for letting me know about schools. Are there no alarm bells ringing for this tank? just want to make sure everything is hunky-dory
Nothing wrong that I can spot but let the other members give their opinion.
Neon tetra are more sensitive to water conditions so would not be a good fish to start out with. I lost several when I added them to my tetra tank before it had stabilized. Most tanks can take 6 months or longer to stabilize. With a small tank even small changes can be bad because there is little water to neutralize the affects. Also the minimum tank size would have a base of 60cm x 30cm (foot print) Does your tank meet that requirement?
Neon tetra are more sensitive to water conditions so would not be a good fish to start out with. I lost several when I added them to my tetra tank before it had stabilized. Most tanks can take 6 months or longer to stabilize. With a small tank even small changes can be bad because there is little water to neutralize the affects. Also the minimum tank size would have a base of 60cm x 30cm (foot print) Does your tank meet that requirement?

I will admit now, I went on seriously fish and saw 50 I'm guessing I didn't have my glasses on or that I'm a moron (I vote on the latter). My tank is only 50 x 32, so tetras are out of the question, thank you for picking up on that, I guess I should start looking at other possibilities. I'm glad I have you guys to help when I hit a snag like this ^_^
This is a learning process and we are all learning, seriously fish is an outstanding site for getting the correct information. I wish I had known about it before I joined this forum. It would have saved me from making my share of mistakes.
Not all tetra, ember tetra may work, I have a shoal of them too but they are also sensitive little fish that are best to wait until your tank stabilizes. I lost several of them too when I first started out with my tetra tank.
This is a learning process and we are all learning, seriously fish is an outstanding site for getting the correct information. I wish I had known about it before I joined this forum. It would have saved me from making my share of mistakes.

Aye the more I look it at seriously fish the more I'm swearing by it... I was getting my fish information of a certain youtuber, but now I've not left my computer for the past two days just oogling at fish, I realise his information is... well... crap.

Like I said, I'm glad I have you guys too, it's easy to overlook information when it's in a wall of text, much easier to see when someone points it out. So thank you again :)

Not all tetra, ember tetra may work, I have a shoal of them too but they are also sensitive little fish that are best to wait until your tank stabilizes. I lost several of them too when I first started out with my tetra tank.

I was just looking at these little guys. If they're sensitive though, I'm guessing I should wait. Would this also mean I have to hold back on my betta too? and just have little ottos roaming the tank?
Betta are beautiful fish that are also known as "fighting fish" they are not community fish and have been known to kill other fish and can not even get along with the females of their kind. Some people have been lucky with them but I would advise if you have a betta then just have him and some snails. Some people have also had shrimp but Betta have been known to eat them too.
Betta are beautiful fish that are also known as "fighting fish" they are not community fish and have been known to kill other fish and can not even get along with the females of their kind. Some people have been lucky with them but I would advise if you have a betta then just have him and some snails. Some people have also had shrimp but Betta have been known to eat them too.

Owch, this info stings a little, I wont lie :oops:. I know that they're aggresive but the seriously fish says it can stay with peaceful species, as long as they're in schools it'll stop the betta from being able to singling them out, I got my hopes up (just a side note, I noticed a whoopsie on the seriously fish site, it says the tank size is for a pair of betta :O )

The fishies aren't with me today lol, my ideas are dwindling aorund me!
Owch, this info stings a little, I wont lie :oops:. I know that they're aggresive but the seriously fish says it can stay with peaceful ones, I got my hopes up (just a side note, I noticed a whoopsie on the seriously fish site, it says the tank size is for a pair of betta :O )

The fishies aren't with me today lol, my ideas are dwindling aorund me!
That type of betta is wild type so should be fine with other fish. The info is correct. I think viking thought you meant betta splendens
You're both legends.. so with all that said and done... my tank is ready to be built?

Also do I wait to add the betta after the embers once my tanks has been established for a while? (didn't you say that would be six months?) or do I add the Ot's then betta? then introduce embers later?
Do tetras, then otos, then betta I think. Bettas do best added last so that they dont have new fish coming into their "territory"

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