Filter For 20L Tank


Mostly New Member
May 22, 2014
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Im planning to buy a 20L tank. I plan a planted setup but not the high maintenance plants hehe. What filter type should i use? What is the most appropriate type of filter for a nano setup?
Thank you. :)
I'm just setting up an 11.5L micro tank for snails the the moment. I've got an internal one that is tiny and packs quite a punch in terms of flow (which can be adjusted).and the manufacturer reckons it will suit up to 60L as it filters 300L/hr
If you look at my thread on setting it up it gives all the details in there.
EDIT: got it from Ebay
Just to offer an alternative; I quite like sponge filters and air pumps in my shrimp tank. There's far less dirt build up along with the added bonus of not being too powerful that it sucks in any tiny babies making it nice and fry-safe.
Can I ask what you plan to stock?
fm1978 said:
Just to offer an alternative; I quite like sponge filters and air pumps in my shrimp tank. There's far less dirt build up along with the added bonus of not being too powerful that it sucks in any tiny babies making it nice and fry-safe.
Can I ask what you plan to stock?
I got one of those with the micro tank but found that the air pump got too hot and was too noisy and that was probably because it was dead cheap so they included the cheapest accessories they could get their hands on.
Yeah, there is the draw back of the noise from the air pump. I only use an APS50 which is plenty and while it's not completely silent, it is quiet enough so as not to be a nuisance. 
I have a very similar internal filter (doesn't have a spray bar) to the one on your micro-tank thread, Mama, but I found that it was super powerful and just blew everything around. I had to put a sponge over the outlet to calm everything down. I wasn't a fan.
At the moment I have it on the most powerful output for the cycling process, but will probably turn it down when I've added the snails altho they probably won't be as disturbed by a strong flow as your shrimps would.
I ran an old eheim 2213 on my 30l planted shimp tank until the impeller went the other day. It's currently running with a small internal to keep it ticking over. I like having the filter outside the tank on these small volume tanks as it leaves plenty of room and provides some extra water volume for stability. I've also seen excellent results from HOB filters for these, for the same reason but also, in a low tech system, the surface agitation is excellent for the gas exchange. You can also grow things like ferns out of the filter media on an open top HOB. I may well head that way for the external replacement on this tank.
I'm struggling for space (now I'm officially suffering from MTS! 
) I've run out of space where the other 2 tanks are so the 11.5L is currently on my worktop next to the window where hopefully at some point it will grow algae for the snails to eat. Still cycling tho so not at that stage yet.
Hi, decided to buy a HOB filter for my new 30L tank. I'm now thinking what filter media i will put inside and also i think i bought a small filter hehe. It is suitable for 35-45cm. Should i have gotten the bigger one for better filtration? Im still planning what I will stock. Im thinking shrimps and some fishes. :)
I'd suggest a single betta male in 20L - that's a decent tank size for one of those. Can't suggest any other ones as most fish need much more room than that. You could have a tropical tank with a single betta and some shrimp. The shrimp wouldn't add to the bioload so much and would eat up any leftover food. Would suggest you look at the larger ones such as amano/yamato shrimp that are quite quick at getting out of the way.
For a 32L tank. If i plan to add 1 male betta, what other fishes are compatible with betta? how many? Im thinking chili rasboras but besides that what other fishes can i add?
thank you :) 
You'd need to assess the character of your betta before you think of getting companions. Some are aggressive and some aren't. They really don't feel lonely or need company however they can get bored so consider getting him something to play with such as a pingpong ball which he can push around.
Also you really haven't the room for other proper fish even if your betta will tolerate them. I have a 30L betta tank and have snails and shrimp in there. Shrimp hardly add to the bioload and snails will eat algae. I wouldn't advise adding any other "fish" to such a small tank to be honest.
If they have the right temperament and the right tank-mates they can be part of a community tank - however it would need to be much bigger than 32L.

Your tank size keeps changing 20L, 30L, 32L which tank are we talking about here?
Sorry if my tank size keeps on changing. My LFS told me that its a 30L but upon computation of the volume. Its 32L 30x30x35cm. 
I see, so if i want small fishes like chili rasboras then i should only put them in my tank. No betta. I will think about first what i really want. I was leaning earlier towards small fishes of 5-6 but since i read that bettas have a lot of personality so i considered having a betta instead :)
I believe chilli rasboras need horizontal space for swimming and altho they may survive in a 30L tank they'd be better in a bigger tank. This is only what I have read along the way as I have no experience of keeping them.
My confusion about the tank size arose because the title of the thread is Filter for 20L tank then you started talking about 30/32L tank. Did you opt for a bigger tank in the end?

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