feeding red lobster


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Norcal CA
When and how do you feed your red lobster? freshwater..

i always sprinkle food near him but he wont come out of his cave to get it anymore and i tried carrots.. he doesnt like them .. would he eat blood worms? and is there a way to feed them freeze dried, since it floats.?

my lobster hasnt eaten in 3 days? am i supposed to feed him every day..

:X clueless
Crayfish, or freshwater lobsters, shouldn't really need to eat every day of the week. They are known for eating pretty much anything that you give them, if it sinks. Try some shrimp pellets or frozen foods like bloodworm. They'll also eat fish, so try not to put in any tankmates. :p
If he's not eating, he may be preparing to moult. I'd love to see a picture of him if you can. The best food for crayfish is either shrimp pellets or peas I've found, but there are numerous other things they will eat as well.
ill try to get a picture but my photography skills StiNK, i think he's just picky, he tried eating this pellet thing yesterday and then a second later he spit it out.. ill try those shrimp pellets and ill get frozen worms too, my betttas need more anyway .
This is Travis, the crayfish that doesn't like to eat anything i give him.


won't get out of his cave, doesn't like me that much :/


ready to snip my fingers off .. -_-


finally exiting his cave :sly:


his back side.. running away from the cam :grr:


him lookin at his reflection :whistle:
Try whitebait or mussels to get him eating, blood worm are a little small, mine favours peas over carrots; they only need feeding every 2-3 days. He's gorgeous by the way.
whre can i get mussels and whitebait

like the ones you get at ranch 99 ? do i feed it uncooked and out of the shell ?

and whitebait.. no clue where to get those, local fishing store maybe?

so okay, ill get peas, bloodworms, mussels, shrimp pellets and ill check a fishing store for grubs

I'd try peas. I think what you have is a Procambarus Clarkii, or Red Swamp Crayfish. I have several, and peas and shrimp pellets so far are their favorite things to eat.

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