Feeding Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, California, USA
You know, I'll sound like a real idiot asking this, but, how many blood worms do i feed an adult betta fish exactly? An obvious answer would be to feed them until they stop eating, but the fish can't rightly tell me when they're full and I can only guess by the size of their belly (completly at a loss with females) ...

how many worms do you guys feed your bettas?

i 'm doin 2-3 worms twice a day (im trying to condition a breeding pair)
bettas will keep eating even i theyr'e full, they dont' know how to stop and as long as you keep dropping food in the bowl, they'll keep eating until they're way overfed.

I usually give it just a few blodowroms, like 3 or 4 of them (i have the freezed dried ones), that's uusally enough, and i mix it with a couple peletts too.
My girls are horribly overweight from eating my Cories pellets. I feed my fish about 2-4 frozen bloodworms a day. No more then that. They do eat and eat and eat even when they don't need to.
thanks for the advice guys.

lol ... i showed the blood worms to my mom and she was freaking out, i was stirring it and she thought they were alive bwahaha

she thought i was eating them too, i was picking them out with some disposable chop sticks from a little betta cup
hahaha, at first i thought they were alive too. I picked them out with tweezers and one poped out and landed on my shirt, i scream lol. it was just becuase theyr'e crispy and dried lol :D i still get freaked out by them from time to time.

One of my bettas dont' seem to like the bloodworms, he'd stare at it, eat it, then spit it out. Is that normal? -_- while my other betta gobbles them up like crazy..
some of my bettas only eat certain foods. i have this iridescent betta fish that doesn't like frozen brine shrimp or blood worms ... :blink:

he prefers those hikari pellets. not the frozen bloodworms that i have to get from my LFS with is INcovieniently located 30 miles down a trafficy freeway.
haha my betta only loves the pellets too, i'm not sure i undersatnd why. :blink: but they seem to be healthy from it, though i try to make sure they get some bloodwroms down there from time to tiem :)
I feed my guys until their tummies are slightly round and a little bit protruding, not so much that they looked like they swallowed a marble. Maybe about 4 bloodworms (frozen). I feed them every other day to a) keep the water cleaner, and B) to give their digestive system a rest. I feed my fighters a little less than the others to keep them lean, mean, fast, and alert.

I once overfed one of my bettas and it freaked me out because he was floating near the surface sideways. His stomach was protruding as if he swallowed a basketball.

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