Featherfin catfish


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
I have 3 in my cichlid tank - they are nearly full sized adults now, going light grey with black spots. Up to this afternoon all 3 of them were very friendly towards each of the others. Suddenly they've started headbutting - not necessarily the largest, but one of the smaller ones. This one is very nearly completely light grey (the largest of them is still dark) and he/she has started head butting the other two. Is this territorial fighting? and if so, should I separate them. (the only way to do that would be to take the others to my lfs) or will it settle down soon. I don't know if the fact that there were no lights in the tank for a week and only today I got the new set, makes any difference. Any advice please!!!
Try more driftwood etc if possible.... they probably need their own space and territory, I know mine used to adore his bit of driftwood and even chase off Cichlids!
Try reading catfish of the month article on Synodontis Eupterus at Planet Catfish. It is in the Catfish of the month archive :)
Just read the article - they have loads of hiding places in the tank and I think they were arguing over a very tasty bit of java fern. It's quiet again in the tank and everyone's gone to their home. Thanks for the advice.

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