Extremely Territorial German Blue Ram?


Mostly New Member
Nov 11, 2014
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I got four GBRs three days ago, one male and three females.

The male is obviously dominant, he claims his space but he's "friendly"about it. Two of the females are fine as well, they just swim around and don't really bother anyone.

One of the females is extremely aggressive. She hides in a space between the castle ornament and bubble stone and attacks anyone who comes close. I noticed this yesterday but it's only gotten worse today.

Will she calm down once she gets more used to her surroundings? What should I do about her?
i read in a book that GBRs do well in pairs, maybe theres a problem with that? also, i dont think GBRs are naturally territorial
I ended up returning her to the pet store and exchanged it for another. The tank seems much more peaceful now.
I added one GBR to my community tank about a year ago.  All was good.  Then I also read that they did well in pairs, so added another, about the same size.  The first one bullied the second one a little, nothing as bad as "attacking", but became quite teriitorial.  After about 6 months, the second one died for no obvious reason.  Since then, the tank is peaceful again, with the original still going strong, and no longer hassling any other fish.

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