evolution of a 40b


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 30, 2021
Reaction score
My 40b is just over 1 year old. I thought i would show these four pictures of transition - as to which is a better look well there is no better just different:

May 20 2020:

Dec 2020 (co2 was added at the start of dec; the lace plant turned out to be a large variety so it was pulled and put into the 120):


April 2021:


June 2021:

I could probably edit this later if i can find more pictures showing a slower time line.
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Wow really really nice tank :) I think my favourite shot is the April one just because you can see over the plants a bit you get more depth and it makes the tank look bigger

Yea every now and then i miss an egg sack and then i end up with a lot. I've given a lot away but i'm always ending up with more :(
Dang, that's alot of snails....
Whatever happened to that tank you had with the bazillion mystery snails?

I agree with Wills, tank looks amazing but the April shot has a more refined look to it due to being able to see through the middle top section. But even now the tank is awesome. I love jungle scapes that are just crazy overgrown.
The 40b had over a 100 because I've given away more than 90. Every now and then i toss a few into the 120 and occasionally they find solace for a few months but eventually the loaches hunt them down.
Whatever happened to that tank you had with the bazillion mystery snails?
Yea every now and then i miss an egg sack and then i end up with a lot. I've given a lot away but i'm always ending up with more :(
I let a clutch hatch in a 10G once....ended up crashing the ph, because all of those growing shells consumed the calcium ions out of the water column...that was the theory, anyway...
Whatever happened to that tank you had with the bazillion mystery snails?

I agree with Wills, tank looks amazing but the April shot has a more refined look to it due to being able to see through the middle top section. But even now the tank is awesome. I love jungle scapes that are just crazy overgrown.
See comment #8....

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