Erm.. Fish Removal "Tool"?

well lets not blame her, shes doing as best as she can to get that info for us and for her, lets blame the postman !

i hope u have a really good weekend and that ur hubby has a super fast recovery! :)
Just come across this thread. I know 'where have I been for all this time?'
The suspense is killing me too now. Hope the info comes to you soon sorrell (oh great one) or the people on here (me included) are going to burst with the suspense.
OMG people! I posted waaayyyy back on page 2, turn my head and suddenly we're on page 8??? Where have I been for the past few days? :crazy: Can't believe it's not here yet... I'm dying to know what it is because there is absolutely nooooo way that I'll ever catch Wally my rubber lipped pleco without the help of some very magical device! :rofl:

I do like the idea of a 2 day party until Sorrell gets back..... I'll bring the margaritas!!! :drink:

See ya'all around this thread!! lol

Alright, I'm getting a late start, just about to head out of town. If you guys are gonna have a party while I'm gone, I hope you'll toast me a time or two.


I still don't know if I'll be back tomorrow or Sunday, but y'all better sober up before I get back so you actually remember hearing what it is ok?

See ya in a few,
Sorrell :wub:
My dear god... 9 pages!!

Hurry back Sorrell!!! But don't forget to have fun also! :)
*pitches tent and grabs a pina colada*

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