Egytian mouthbrooders


New Member
Jun 20, 2002
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Ive currently have a pair of Egyptian mouthbrooders, they seem real nice fish. Only problem is i dont know alot about them.
Has anyone had any success breeding this species? :)
Hi Dan,
Don't know if this will help, as it is from an old reference book, but here goes:

The Egyptian Mouthbreeder hails from the Nile basin. It's maximum size is 3", but is capable of breeding at 2"

Temperature requirements: 72-78 degress F ( 22-25 Celcius)
This should be raised to 85 F (29 C) for breeding purposes.

Males can be identified by their red-tipped anal fin.

They prefer meaty foods such as tubifex worms, but will probably accept prepared foods as well.

During breeding, the male will fan a depression in the sand. Once this pit is complete the female will join the male and the pair will circle the nest. Spawning will soon take place. The female will then pick up the eggs for buccal incubation. The incubation period last from 10-14 days at which time the fry will be free swimming. They can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or powdered flake food intended for fry.

These fish are suitable for a community aquarium as they are a peaceful species. Keep in mind though that they may become somewhat aggressive during spawning.

As with any fish, these should be conditioned with a variety of foods if spawning is desired.



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