Dwarf Zebra Lionfish Care Tips and Tank Mate Compatibility

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Jul 3, 2017
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I'm looking into getting a 50 gallon saltwater tank, with the main attraction being a dwarf zebra lionfish. I'm copletley new to owning aquariums in general, but especially a saltwater tank. I'm looking for any tips and advice on the lionfish and/or saltwater tanks, as well as reccomendations for tank mates for the lionfish.
Ah, saltwater, afraid I know next to nothing regarding saltwater fishkeeping :/

But from what i quickly look online, seems they are not a particularly active specie, can be fussy eaters meaning eats mainly live foods. Tankmates would depends on tank siz compatibility (not something I know for SW) but active fish like tangs seems to work best with DZL.

Also they do not seem to fare well during shipping, some seem to die within 2 weeks of arriving in new tanks, so perhaps be sure to pick a healthy looking lionfish at LFS or from your source.

And lastly, am not sure if Dwarf Lionfish is a good specie to choose for a very new fishkeeper, especially Saltwater, I may be wrong on this but do be sure before going any further with lionfish.

Lots of research and do keep asking for advice is the best advice I can offer for now.

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