Dwarf Gourami Tankmates?


New Member
Nov 10, 2012
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I have a new 10-gal tank in which i would like to keep a dwarf gourami, but i would also like some smaller fish for company. any suggestions?

or could i even keep a dwarf gourami in it??

or is 10 too small?
i would say 1 male gourami would be fine in the size but wouldn't reccomend any more as they can become very terretorial they are peacefull community fish and would get along with most other peacefull ie tetras guppies etc - i try to get different level dwelling fish to maximise space ie corys for the bottom tetras/guorami mid to top - hatchet fish top
I had a red robin gourami, sadly he passed away, but I knew he got on well with my platys (even the mass amount of fry!), cardinal tetras, leopard and adolfoi corydoras and rusty pleco.

Word of warning, do NOT get another gourami, male or female as the males will fight and will more than likely die in that sized tank as not enough room in that tank for them to set up territories. A female would be overly harassed by the male till she dies, you need a larger female to male ratio, I know this from experience.

Good luck in your fish keeping and I'm sure you're tank will soon be full of even more beautiful fish!
A single male OR female is fine in a 10 gallon. I've kept a single male in a 10 gallon with glowlights & fancy guppies. It was a very interesting combination that was fun to watch.

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