Dry foods & betta fry..


New Member
Jul 31, 2004
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I have 3 day old betta fry with me now and i think they are done feeding off their egg sacks or whatever they are called... I know that you have to feed them LIVE baby brine shrimp or microworms but what if you dont have any??
Is it a must to feed them live food??? Since i didn't have any of those (now peoples, dont scold me now) i just got all these hikari pellets and ground them up into a fine powder for them to eat... is that ok??? cuz if it isn't ill TRY to get some live food if i can but there is none around here! :(
mine wouldnt eat it.. they also wouldnt eat baby brine shrimp (frozen)..

i really dont know what you can do.. you could try frozen baby brine shrimp.. you could try egg yolk... boil an egg, scoop out the yellow yolk part, mix a little tiny bit in water, so its like a milky substance, and put a drop in... you will need to suck out excess every other day if your gonna feed with egg yolk, as it can really dirty the water
You do need live food, if you want to have a decent amount survive. With dry food only the very largest will make it, and even then you may get less than 10. They'll grow very slowly that way too. I'd definitely try to find some if you can. Otherwise, try nibbles' suggestion with the egg yolk. Good luck.

Edit: Forgot to say, you often can't get live food in pet stores, but it's very easy to get online. You can get a microworm culture for just a few bucks at ebay or aquabid. So try that!
THANK you sooo much for the advice I really appreciate it! I just hope the boiled egg yolk works cuz I canā€™t find any of the live foods that the fry need around here (gonna check to see if they have frozen baby brine shrimp tomorrow) and i really donā€™t want the babies to starveā€¦

O and ill try to get some of them microworms too..
Wait a minute.. the other day, i went to my local pet store and i remember seeing this little container filled with baby brine shrimp eggs.... it was just sitting there with all the other fish foods.. do you think those are ok??
Baby brine shrimp eggs won't do you any good unless you set up a hatchery and feed the baby shrimp. That would be a good idea though. :nod: Definitely order microworms, you NEED them. Almost all betta fry won't eat food unless it's moving, so frozen will probably be as useless as dry. -_-
Not intended to hyjack, but where exactly do you get micro worms besides aquabid?
seriously dude... i hate buying things online.. i wish that some aquarium places or pet stores had microworms.. geese it would make life EASIER!
i hate buying online 2, i got this fish, and the shipping ended up being twice as much as the fish, most expensive fish iv ever bought :D
if you swirl the egg yolk it may possibly be accepted as all fry of almost every type of fish will only take food that is moving. Grounded pellets or any dary food are a bad indea at such a young stage as they will not be able to digest them as their internal organs have not developed yet. :/
yes baby fry like the moving food , that is the reason they wont eat it. I would suggest you read up on raising betta fry. So the next time you will have your stuff in place. MW cultures takes several days to mature, so if you bought a culture today it would still take about 7 days to get any substantial food from it.
I was able to wean my fry to flake/dry food by feeding a bit of egg layer fry food from hikari and azoo ( I alternated) as I fed MW and decapped BBS eggs (read up on decapped eggs , dont feed regular eggs) as I fed the powder,i would put it in the sponge filter out put to simulate it moving. Also leave the lights on a little while and java moss and anachris will produce infursia. Good luck and plan better next time. :thumbs:

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