Does anyone do this?


Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 16, 2019
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Hello everybody! I bought some SeaChem Flourish about 4 months ago, but only just saw this it is supposed to be refrigerated 3 months after being opened. Does anyone actually do this, and is it necessary? If it is, is it still okay to use it? Thank you!
I have my bottle sitting out in my garage where it is cold. They are probably concern that it may start to break down.
I divide my bottle into three portions, keep one out to use and freeze the other two till they are needed. I keep the one currently in use in the fridge.

With slow growing, low light plants I use half the quoted dose rate so one bottle lasts ages.
Ive never refrigerated but ive known people that make their own refrigerate it so it doesnt get funky or add a bit of vinegar to it to " preserve" it. Ive never done either nor refrigerate it. I figure as long as its not cooking in the sun it should be fine.
Okay, thanks!
I used to keep all my fish medications, test kits and fertilisers in a sealed plastic container in the bottom of the fridge. Cool dark dry conditions slow the aging process of the chemicals and help keep them fresher for longer.

Bright light, warm or humid conditions cause the reagents to break down faster.
Seachem do advise to refrigerate if it will be open for more than a few weeks (I've forgotten the exact time they suggest). I keep it in the wine fridge which is not as cold as the fridge but still cool. Before i did this (I asked Seachem about it at the time) I did notice that what is normally (initially) a dark brown liquid became black by the time I was near the end. I do shake it before every use so it was/is not a matter of it necessarily breaking down. Refrigerating does seem to prevent this, so there may be something to it. I buy the smallest bottle now, as with my downsizing I have fewer tanks, and this lasts for months.

I freeze dry prepared foods (flake and sinking) if I buy the larger size (more economical) and just take some out periodically. Someone on here suggested this, AbbeysDad I believe. Once things are exposed to the air they can degenerate.
Yeah, I refrigerate flourish as advised on the packaging.

I have my old kitchen fridge downstairs near the fish tanks. I don't think I'd want that in my kitchen fridge. I don't know why, but it seems that bottle always drips/leaks.
I have my old kitchen fridge downstairs near the fish tanks. I don't think I'd want that in my kitchen fridge. I don't know why, but it seems that bottle always drips/leaks.
Put them in a plastic icecream container with a paper towel on the bottom of the container.

If you have a number of phials or test solutions, use a rubber band to hold them together so they are less likely to fall over.
Thank you all very much! I think I'm going to separate the fertilizer into several different bottles and keep them in a container in the refrigerator.
If I had some extra tanks, I think it would be interesting to see if the fertilizer works differently if it is not refrigerated, compared to when it is. Maybe one day...;)

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