Dilema, Can I Keep My Datnoid With My Jewel Cichlid?


New Member
Jun 12, 2009
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I have a major dilema.

I have a datnoid about 3 or 4 inches right now in my boyfriends tank although he only has one eye and gets very scared and is afraid to eat anything because he is in the tank with a larger fish. he usually just picks food out of the gravel and will eat feeder fish when we are in town and are able to go out and buy them. i want to do something about it before i go back to school and my only option would be to either buy a bunch of feeder fish which he always eats and wait until next weekend to figure something out or put him in my tank right now with an archer fish and jewel cichlid. the jewel is about 1.5'' but is very aggressive and recently killed my baby frontosa scaring him to death. the jewel was so aggressive and did not let my frontosa eat anything and would "bully" him. (i was told when i bought the jewel that is was ok to keep with my frontoa but anyways...) the archer fish doesnt bother anyone and just minds his own business. Do i put the datnoid who is bigger with the jewel? or leave him in the tank where he is now. because of my recent loss of my frontosa, im just afraid im going to lose him too. He is very special to me, he had been at a fish store for many years and no one bought him because he only had one eye and he would hide in the corner of a 200+ gallon tank with much larger fish but i decided to save him and bring him home with me. what to do i do?! Please help!

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