Digestive Cycle And Water Changes


Jun 2, 2008
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So I had what I think is a good idea let me know if the logic sounds right.

On Saturdays I get up the Piranha is out so I feed him.

1 hour later I change the water as I figure he has gone to the toilet by then?

Does that make sense?
With predatory fish it is best not to change the water for at least 24 hours after the last feeding, many predatory fish will regurgitate their stomach contents if stressed while still digesting food which fouls the water quickly and is difficult to clean up.
With predatory fish it is best not to change the water for at least 24 hours after the last feeding, many predatory fish will regurgitate their stomach contents if stressed while still digesting food which fouls the water quickly and is difficult to clean up.

Nice one thanks for that info.

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