Diatoms in naturally lit tank


I've got a PH of 7 and GH of 9.

Would minnows be a good option? Now that the tank is empty I think I am going to wait for it to cycle before putting anything else in so now is a great time to discuss options I think.

Thanks both for your help!

I assume the GH is measured in degrees, so 9 dGH or dH. (?) That is moderately soft, so you want to avoid any harder water fish (all livebearers) and look at many of the soft water species which will come from South America and SE Asia primarily. Tetras, pencilfish, rasboras, cory catfish; not all of these but from these basic groups there are suitable small species. Danios and barbs also suit the water but the small tank is excluding all of them as they need space for their active swimming. There are some lovely "nano" type fish in the characins (tetra, pencilfish) and rasboras.
Thanks Byron, I'll do some proper reading while the tank cycles. I'm really glad I came on here and thanks for your patience
Thanks Byron, I'll do some proper reading while the tank cycles. I'm really glad I came on here and thanks for your patience

You're very welcome. I tend not to like suggesting fish to others, as it should be your aquarium, so I send you in the right direction. But any species you see, if you let us know, I will readily mention any issues.

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