
New Member
Nov 16, 2017
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I have a freshwater aquarium that have 2 angelfishes 4 barbs and 8 tetras. Last night I fed my fishes like usual and I went to bed, this morning I checked my tank and I didn't see anything, but tonight when I got home I looked in my tank and found one of my Angelfishes is dead. I have one yellow angelfish and one marble angelfish, my marble in angelfish died, I don't think that has anything to do with it but I'm just putting it out there. When I check to see the marble angelfish I noticed its belly was bloated and this is TMI but a white gooey string coming out of its butt. I am heartbroken about this I had my Angelfishes for a year now and I worked very hard to establish the tank I have now, not to mention how much ii love my angel fish. I just want to know what's going on and to make sure my other fishes are okay. Does anybody have any ideas? I really just want to know what happened to my Angelfish. Oh and this might be important, my other angelfish the yellow one is a female, I seen her lay eggs and shoo away the marble one as well as the other fish. I'm not sure if the marble fish died because of the other one, but one of marble angelfishe's fin is a little bit ripped. Please help if you can. Thank you I just want to know what happened

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There are some issues here. First to the white stringy excrement, the best thing is to feed some fresh (or frozen) shelled peas. Squeeze the pea out of its husk and feed just the inner soft pea (completely thaw if they are frozen). Most fish will eat soft peas. This can clear up what you describe. Of course, if some intestinal critter is behind it, that is another matter, and I will leave it for the members more experienced in such things to advise. Fortunately I've never had this problem.

Now to your other questions and the issues. Angelfish are shoaling fish that live in smallish groups, and they develop an hierarchy within the group; five is the minimum to have, but this means a largish tank. You may have been lucky to date if you had two females, or a male and female, as they might (I say, might) get along for a time at least. We know one must be female or eggs would not occur; have any eggs ever hatched? That would confirm the other as male, but it is known for female angelfish to lay eggs even without a male present, or if it is a male he may not fertilize them.

As for the torn fins, this could be the angelfish themselves, or due to the barbs or tetras. Barbs should never bee combined with angelfish, as the barbs are too active and many species are prone to fin nip and sedate fish like angels is only goading them to do so. Some tetra can be the same. I will need to know the species of barb and tetra, and the tank size, before being able to offer further advice on this point.

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