Cryptoheros Cutteri 'rio Mongu' Journal

Whats ur wood doing Thar?

Tetras of any sort are my nemesis in stupid Texas hillbilly land. Close ups of the lemons please.
Well, down to 11 now. 1 looked a little ill and different to the others and I have just picked it off the filter intake. :lol:

Great shoalers though, they have stuck in a tight group all day!
They're not yellow though. Lmao. They do have a tinge to them, but nothing much. May add to their numbers though, maybe 15 or 20 would look better.
<br />They're not yellow though. Lmao. They do have a tinge to them, but nothing much. May add to their numbers though, maybe 15 or 20 would look better.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Minnnt, they can get very yellowy sometimes, often depending on the water parameters. Seems they develop it more as they mature also :)
Can't really see them much, but as you can see they're of a pretty decent size. :)

Rio 180 by David Raynham, on Flickr
:drool: I like how you manage to get a scape flowing the full length of the tank, you'll noticed i always get stuck after the main focal point :lol:
Some nice thick bunches of java fern would look sweet on the right behind them rocks :p

Get yourself another one of them rocks and HAMMER TIME it for some little detailed pieces :D

I'm jealous. I really fancy a yellow fish for my tank :/
Salvini ^ No not a good idea but such a beautiful fish, you got room for a 4ft tank i can keep at yours maybe? :hey:
IM ALL OUT OF ROOM I'M SO LOST WITHOUT IT, who sang the song? :fun:
The Lemon Tetra's are still young hence the price, so i do expect them to colour up a little. If you're expecting a yellow fish then you will be dissapointed. Go for Honey Gourami's instead.

They will eventually be moved over to the Mopani tank with the male Cutteri, so they may colour up better in there. The PH is a little lower which should suit them more.

Proxo, i will add some Java Ferns as you suggest and see what you think. As for the 'flow' i guess it does, kind of. :D I think you should try an island scape in your 90L.
Thinking about re-introducing the male at some point over the weekend. :look:

Fingers crossed it goes without a hitch. I shall be watchng closely to say the least.

The female has healed and recovered well and quickly became queen of the tank. Hardly suprising seeing as she is twice the size of eveything else in there. :lol:

Plan for stocking will be:

2 Cryptoheros Cutteri
11 Lemon Tetra's
4 Platy (maybe) :dunno:
2 Albino Bristlenoses

I know the BN's are potential egg munchers, but we'll see. The parents are robust, particularly the male, so they may be able to protect them successfully. :good:

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