Cromid - March 2020 Tank of the Month Winner!


TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
March 2020
Tank of the Month Contest

We had 8 nice tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest but only one could win...

And the winner is.......................:band:

Let's all congratulate him
Here is Cromid's tank and its description
Hey guys, this is my first ever tank as I'm new to the hobby. About a month old, its a 60l long tank, 80cm in length. Heavily planted from day one with Bacopa, Java Fern, willow moss, Hair Grass, Sag and some floating Sal. Sand and aquarium soil substrate. Three pieces of bogwood in varying sizes to give plenty of hiding spaces but also free swimming room and a few decorate rocks/pebbles.
Using a interpret pf2 filter as it's a longer tank and has a nice aeration setting.
Lighting Nicrew Led system, has a 24 hour cycle to mimic daylight, night, dusk and dawn. It's awesome.
Temp 24/25c
Soft water with a pH fluctuating between 6.5/7.5
Ammonia 0 nitrite 0, nitrate about 4

Currently stocking
5 amano shrimp
6 peppered cories
5 harlequin rasbora (will add another 5 next week)
And then looking to add either 2 honey gourami, or maybe even a single male Betta if parameters allow.

Doing 40% water changes every week. And topping up throughout.
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Congrats Cromid on your awesome Nano tank. Well done ma man!
Coming in second place was Munroco with his unique 1 gallon cylindrical tank
In third place was ElissaBee with her 9.7 gallon rimless tank.

Next up will be our Pet of the Month contest. Entries will be accepted for about 6 days starting momentarily. You may enter a pet in your household except fish.

For the members who entered but didn't win this month, keep tweaking your tanks and consider entering your tanks in a future TOTM contest.

Thanks to all who participated in this month's Tank of the Month contest. For April's Tank of the Month contest, we will feature tanks sized at 17 US gallons (64 litres) to 29 US gallons (110 litres). Stay tuned!
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That is correct. Also can't enter the same pet that won last time.
Well at least you have a POTM Winner profile banner!
Congratulations! Love the tank

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