convict cichlid breeding

Patrick333 said:
in a breeding net? How about black neon tetras?
I have a small plastic floating livebearer trap. It has the section that fits in that is V-shaped so the young can float down. When i was trying to pair up my cons, my male spend a couple days floating in this to give the female a break.

I think you said you had some neons, black and glow-lite tetras in your community tank. You can try putting a few in but most likely they might get attacked and killed. Main reason why mine are still alive is because i have heavy plant cover. The cons only went after them when i first put them in, but now they don't care about them.

What size tank is this again? You could try some danios as they pretty much will stay up near the surface while the cons will be down below. Just watch them though at first. If the cons start to chase them around, might as well put them in your community tank
I have mollies that were born in october and they have grown to be smaller or the same size as neon. Could i use those. They dont grow much at all i think there growth was stunted or something
I wouldn't with molly's. They are not fast enough to get away from a Convict if it decides to charge.
i didnt seperate them nd they still ignore each other. The male has hardly visible stripes now and also the female. Whats going on?
Patrick333 said:
i didnt seperate them nd they still ignore each other. The male has hardly visible stripes now and also the female. Whats going on?
Just before my two paired up, the male turned completely black. He had no visible stripes at all. The female was pale.

If they are not atttacking or harassing each other, just leave them alone and keep feeding them. They will pair up eventually assuming you have both a male and female
They are both completely pale. I was going to switch there gravel to sand how should i do that
I don't think that will matter much. If anything they will be able to dig their nests easier in the gravel.

I have gravel in my tank
Should i get some of that stress zyme stuff to help my female be more in the open?
One has nothing to do with the other.

I just need to know- Why are you so intent on having them breed so quickly? They may physically be able to breed, or at least one of them, but they are still babies themselves. Convicts will breed in a toilet. Just give it time and keep the water clean. Also feed them a little bit more variety then just worms or they won't get everything they need.
i dont just feed them worms i feed them cichlid pellets and tropical flake. If they dont breed soon im getting rid of them. i wanted to see how they acted with the babies because right now they are pretty boring. Im going to replace them with these fish.
they are the ones on the right the 3rd one down. called the hap. red back scraper
i might get one of those albino bushy nose plecos 5th down on the left
the guy live a bout 20 mins a way from me so i can easily get some.
Both of them now got some deep dark colors on em. The female has gold on her top fin. And blue the bottom one. The male is looking bluish were all has fins and tail are a dark blue. Going to breed real soon or just pairing up because now they stay together
Patrick333 said:
Both of them now got some deep dark colors on em. The female has gold on her top fin. And blue the bottom one. The male is looking bluish were all has fins and tail are a dark blue. Going to breed real soon or just pairing up because now they stay together
Now....they are paired up. :D See, all you needed was patience.

It will take em maybe a week to scoop out a little pit and lay some eggs. Watch the females belly as you will see it plump up a lot right before she lays eggs. 3-4 days after she lays they they will hacth and 6-7 days after that they will be freeswimming and you can enjoy watching the parents swim around the tank with a little "cloud" of fry between them.

Just keep feeding them high-protien foods.
why are thwy going to dig out a pit a have two pots in there and i little house thing i made of marble.
Patrick333 said:
why are thwy going to dig out a pit a have two pots in there and i little house thing i made of marble.
Well, i meant they will seek out a good place to lay the eggs and spend time there.

I don't do the cave thing in my tank. My convicts layed they eggs on the base of my large 16" Amazon sword and had a little pit dug out at the bottom where the fry stayed for the first week before they could free swim.

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