converted tank water in but now what?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2005
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st.helens, merseyside england
Hi all! this is my first post here! yipeee!

okay down to business

I have had a 35litre cold water tank in which the fantail got soo big (15 cm body) and i had to have loads of air pumps etc to keep him, but yesterday I made him an orpahn and dumped the tank.

The local shop took him off my hands dont worry

I have put a fine gravel and some rocks into the tank after cleaning them and added a heater and filter as detailed in my signature.

I know I have to leave it for a while before i buy any fish, but how long is a while and in a small tank like this one would you recommend a small shoal of small fish? I knida like that idea and I ahve seen some in the local fish shop in a tank the same size which looks knida cool (I think they were white clouds)

I did used to breed guppies just for the hell of seeing them grow up and being able to make afew pounds out of the local shop!

Also i have a load of coldwater fish food I am guessing this wont be suitable for the new fish?

Lastly , what plants if any would you reccomend to install into the tank, bear in mind it is quite a small tank for tropical fishes?

cheers and thanks in advance
Your tank will need to cycle, this can be done with or without fish. (see pinned articles at top of this forum)

Some form of Tetra is probably your best bet, neons or cardinals look good in schoals and stay small.

The goldfish food will not be any good, you'll need some tropical flake.

Take your pick with plants, most will be fine in your tank.
White cloud mountain minnows are a great choice! I have a few and they are fun to watch - especially when they eat. Black neon tetras are pretty as well and do not get very big.
Welcome to the forum, pumaf1.

With regard to the plants, how much lighting do you have? If its less than 2W/gallon the go for low light plants like Jave ferns, anubias.
well the tank is a hand me down (from a local school) and doesnt have a lid on it so the only light for now until I can rig up a replacement lid, will be natural light.

I have some pictures, which once I upload to my web site I will post, but they wont be great as they are off my mobile phone camera.

I have seen some neon tetras which looked pretty cool, and I seem to be falling for them for the tabnk but the info I have seen on them says they need shade, do they?

I am wondering what temperature the blue neon tetras would be happest at?

Also I would like a freshwater crab any ideas on a nice small one?

and I would also like cleaner fish but i know you shouldnt put them into a newley setup tank, which this is, and if thats the case how long should i wait

(I know a lot of questions but hell I wanna get this right!)
You can use Shrimp or Chinese algae eaters as cleaners in new tanks as they are quite hardy. The only thing to watch out for is CAEs can get aggressive once they get bigger.
Sounds like the very beginning of the cycle. You should soon see the nitrite level go up.
I'd go for ghost shrimp for your cleaners. I love to watch mine when they carry off a chunk of pea that is bigger than they are. They are also funny to watch swim as well as doing a good job. :nod:

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