Considering Getting Corys

Good for you for making the effort to switch to sand, you'll be so glad you did. Not only does it look more natural, but your cories will be so much happier.  When I switched my fish over from my first tank that had river pebbles, to a larger tank with sand, the first cory I added swam to the bottom and hovered for a second, like "can it really be?!" then did a face dive into the sand, then every cory i added after that went straight for the sand. It was one of my best fish keeping experiences :) yes I know, Im a bit of a .... fish-pansy you might say :rolleyes:
Ha! Same thing happened when I switched to sand! I have a photo somewhere of one of my albinos nearly half submerged in the sand. 

Found it!!
I can't remember where it was but there is a video on YT about some people who went out looking for certain Corydoras Species and found they live on rubble out in the wild so sand is not needed for them, they prefer it as it is softer on their barbels but it's not a necessity. 
Found it.
I don't know it was ever said that it was a necessity, but they do seem to prefer it and when they go from gravel to sand their behavior changes noticeably.
This Old Spouse said:
I don't know it was ever said that it was a necessity, but they do seem to prefer it and when they go from gravel to sand their behavior changes noticeably.
I was just pointing it out as so many people say "Cory's cannot be kept on gravel!" Well tell that to them wild ones that choose to live on it :p
I know it wasn't mentioned but just in case anyone wanted to say - Cory's shouldn't be kept on gravel full stop, smooth or not :)
They obviously are a lot happier on sand. What other evidence do we want to get convinced :)
snazy said:
They obviously are a lot happier on sand. What other evidence do we want to get convinced
I'll agree they are to an extent. My bronze used to love moving their gravel about and after I switched to sand they stopped and just stopped going through the substrate altogether. I also had Peppered and Panda on small gravel, when put on sand the reacted completely different. They did the same as the Albino above and stuck their faces in :)
If we have to talk about nature, then a bottom covered in decaying leaves and detritus is also the natural habitat of some corys. That should be easy enough achieving
 ...well if we were able to introduce the same diversity of good microorganisms to come along with that, rather than some pathogenic monsters
I've no problem with the detritus if I put a little "less" effort :)
A couple, I get poo corner in a week. Boy, they get over there like hogs in a sty.

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