Clown Loach Behavior


Sep 16, 2003
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A few month ago I bought 2 clown loaches to go in my tank with the single clown loach that I had already had in the tank. All three were approximately the exact same size when I put the two new ones in the tank. I just noticed over the past few days that one of the loaches is still really small, the original loach is the same size, and one of the new ones has doubled in size. I also noticed that the largest one keeps picking on the other two, especially the smallest one. he doesn't seem to let the other two eat, especially the little one. Is this normal? I feed them plenty to eat and try to place the pellets in different areas so everyone gets a chance, but this bigger one just pushes the others out of the way. Is it time to start a weight watchers tank, or move him for awhile so the others can catch up? I also thought if I moved the big guy for awhile the others can establish dominance nd then when he goes back in he will have to re-adjust-or will he take over again?
We are thinking about renaming him to little Piggy!
When i started my new tank a few months ago, I thought it would be great to get some clownies. So i got two, both about the same size. Now one is hugh, at least 4 times the size of the other, and the smaller one doesnt seem to grow. Although i have seen a slight improvement recently.

I thought the bigger one might bully the smaller one, but thats not quite what i have witnessed. I have seen the small one hold his own against the larger one (Cartman), and even have a go at little missy (gourami) :smb: when it comes to food. My ickle loach seems to eat enough but not get any bigger. I was told at the LFS that some are like runts of the litter and don't grow properly/as quick. don't know how true this is? :dunno:

You must have some tank if you can support several clown loachies, they grow hugh.....eventually :kana:
if you buy just a pair one will always grow larger than the other i can't remember wheather it is the female or male who grow larger, the little one also tends to be the boss
The LITTLE ONE tends to be boss? My little ones getting his butt kicked!!
I had two for the longest time....I asked pretty much the same question,why did one grow so much faster than the other?. The answer I was given by CM was...the larger has become the dominant loach,which made perfect sense. I added two more to take the heat off of the smaller loach, that didn't work,the large loach took in the new two but continued to treat the 1st of the original two like an outcast.
SOOOO I added two more thinking surely that would make a difference, it did, the loach took in the original outcast and one of the newbies which made a clan of 5....but they were abusive to the 6th loach now, a super tiny beauty who tried repeatedly to hang out with the others but they just wouldn't let him so he slept with the kuhlies :/

Now that they've moved to the big tank they still kick the small loach out but he schools with my queen botias which is exactly what I'd hoped for :wub:

If you move him he'll probably stress out, there's no point in it anyway because they'll remember him as "boss" when he comes back to the group

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