Clown killifish (Epiplatys annulatus)

From what I could tell in the video, albeit my eyesight isn’t the greatest, the anatomy of those specimens looks very nice. Did you breed and hatch these specimens yourself?
From what I could tell in the video, albeit my eyesight isn’t the greatest, the anatomy of those specimens looks very nice. Did you breed and hatch these specimens yourself?
These were hatched in my paludarium. Most are already sold at a vivaristic event. They do grow up at a good pace. They're peaceful. But sometimes some males will try to badger eachother. But they won't harm eachother. They just wanna know who's got the better cards.
This killifish species stays mainly close to the surface. But what I like most of them is their size. They're small killifish. And the color contrast that they have is very appealing to me.
epiplatys annulatus will appreciate some live food in their diet they do well on daphnia grindal worms brine shrimp and many other small live foods theis species can be a little delicate so best kept in a species only tank not the easiest to keep /breed
Any fish prefers live food to commercially prepared foods. Live food is what they get in the wild. These annulatus are like the Aplocheilus lineatus Golden Wonder Killifish that I keep. They are a surface feeder. Notice the upturned mouth, the flat back and rearward set dorsal fin ? I have been giving my fish wingless fruit flies and Grindal Worms. They go wild for the fruit flies . I have to be careful when I open the lid to feed because they start jumping. Pseudoepiplatys annulatus fry are very small and should have euglena and paramecium for awhile before newly hatched brine shrimp. They are very popular right now and everybody seems to love them. Certainly not difficult to see why.
I had these and pygmy cats in a 60 liter tank. Both the clown Killis and the cats spawned and the fry were fine. I fed the Killis mosquito larva because the larva sit on the top of the tank and were easy pickings for the fish.

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