Cloudy Water


Jun 5, 2006
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Hi All,

I have a bit of a strange problem. If I look through my tank from the front, It seems crystal clear. However if I look through the tank from the side it appears to be quite cloudy. Can any one explain this? :blink:
Hi All,

I have a bit of a strange problem. If I look through my tank from the front, It seems crystal clear. However if I look through the tank from the side it appears to be quite cloudy. Can any one explain this? :blink:

have you a background? if so then the cloudy water may not be so easy to see.
Hi All,

I have a bit of a strange problem. If I look through my tank from the front, It seems crystal clear. However if I look through the tank from the side it appears to be quite cloudy. Can any one explain this? :blink:

Next question: what is making the water cloudy? Where is this grey cloudyness coming from? I've had it so long I don't remember the last thing I did that could have caused it. I've been changing the filter every week to see if that helps but results are marginal. Just make a cleaner grey.

I have a 55gal (209L) tank with a Plecostomus and a large Chiclid. Tank has been established for 11months. Turned cloudy about 1 or 2 months ago. No plants, yet. Haven't cycled because just now read about it.

Had a green alge problem but treated for it and cleaned glass. Maybe that's when things started turning grey. I used a store bought algecide.


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