cloudy tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2018
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i put new activated carbon in my filter , and it,s clouded my tank is it safe ?.. dirty tank.jpg
Did you rinse the activated carbon before putting it in?
i did but not enough.
Mostly its from moving it around when i put it in the filter i could feel it grind and crushing. It,s a bit better now i guess it will be clear by tommorow..
it will clear in a few days. if it doesn't then do a 75% water change.
The haze in the photo is a bacterial bloom and has nothing directly due to the carbon being washed or not. But indirectly, the change of carbon did create the conditions. When you change out media in an external filter, you remove a large area of surface on which all sorts of bacteria are living. We are not talking about nitrifying bacteria here, but other species. The organics dissolved in the tank water then cause a sudden multiplication of bacteria, hence the haze. I see this with every cleaning of my canister filters. It will (should) dissipate in a few days.
thanks byron,, it was nice of you to notice, i had just done a 80% water change the water was black.. when i went to add carbon to my filter i noticed the pump had stopped working and a really large snail was behind it that a chiclid was trying to eat .. The smell is still in the tank and in my house a bit of a disaster really i have decided that only baby snails are allowed in this tank now..
the info is important to me i still dont get why it,s white said dead bacteria ..and just last week thousands of our fish have died. A real traggedy i live near a man made dam that has bluegreen algae problems this dam feeds our cotton irrigation then into the darling river where the water is white . the fish that died included the adults that were all much larger then a meter long.
i read there is sulfate , silicate , phoshate , nitrate , and carbonate but it,s not the same. Cycles ...
i could go on for hours , i am mostly interested in phosphates and zero nitrate cycles because of high ph and ammonia and this seems to be how the volcanic rift lakes function...

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