Cleaning an old/empty tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
I have a large tank, which is temporarily empty, and boy does it have some algae stuck to it in places!!! Evil clinging algae which makes me want to get a hammer and chisel out for it!

Is there an easier way? Are there cleaning products to disolve algae? Could I use one of these anti-algae chemicals? I couldn't find any at the online stores I normally buy from. It's an empty tank so some toxicity isn't the end of the world as long as it will dissipate or can be removed...

Any advice?
as long as it is empty, i would try a little vinagar and a scrubby pad. you could even use a little bleach as long as you rinse well. or maybe a razorblade to scrape it off.
The best thing is a razor blade,
for really stubbon bits use white vinegar.
Remember if you use vinegar to thouroghly
rinse every thing before using the tank.
Thanks! There's no danger of scratching the glass with a razor blade? I already have a few scratches (no idea how, i'd have thought glass would be really difficult to scratch).
use a brand new single edge and be careful to keep the pressure even across teh whole length of it. i have never used one on a tank(it is glass not acrylic right) but have done it with windows and mirrors with no problem. but if the blade is old or dull or rusted then you can scratch it.
i always use a mixture of water and bicarbonate of soda. its a mild abrasive so will take crap off the tank without scratching the glass and its a traditional household cleaning thing. also good for making cakes with if you have some left over!

it wont hurt your fish either, but rinse it out well or it might bring your ph up a bit...
Sno-bowl toilet bowl cleaner. Wear rubber gloves, as it will really tear up(remove) your skin if you don't. Rince really good with water afterwards. I've used this to clean used tanks that were so bad you could barely see light through them.

uh oh, I used vinegar to clean 29g which is still empty. It's hard to pick this thing up and bring it to the bath tub to rinse but I did go through it with water a couple of times. Will the vinegar dissipate eventually? how long?
If you wipe it down good with clean water a couple of times it should be fine.

im so glad someone asked this i kept forgeting to post something about dirty empty tank and how i should clean it... once the cleaning is done the fun can start

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