Channel Cat Sick or Not???


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
I have 2 channel cats in my 55 gallon tank. They have Large white spots on them and are becoming very lazy and fat. They are fed krill and Tropical Flakes. They have been Treated for paracities, ich, and fungus. They do rub against the rocks and the larger one never comes out of hiding in a decoration (only to eat). They have been like this for months so i didnt put it under the emergancy section, i dont know if they are in pain or not. the people at my LFS didnt know what was wrong, and the biggest fish hobbiest i know (my science teacher) didnt know what was wrong. I will put pics up as soon as i can. They have just been treated with Cupramine but it didnt seem to help. These fish are also know as Columbian Sharks.. Any info and what is wrong with them will be greatly apreciated, i woulod hate to lose these fish to an unknown disease. they are beautiful addition to any tank because they are peacful and active they also keep the bottom of the tank very clean when there healthy..
Unfortunatly i cant, i have 2 pl*cos in the tank with them. but i have kept other brckish fish like Mollys and scats with no problem in Fresh water

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