Can't identify algue eater


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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I bought two algue eaters in the store about 2 weeks ago. One the guy told me was a chinese algue eater which it was and the other he didn't know. I have been trying since to find out what kind of algue eater it is. So far I haven't found anything that looks like it. It is small brown and looks like a stick. The nose is kind if long. For this reason I named him, or her, twiggy. The chinses aglue eater I named SS, standing for spastic spasm because it will be just sitting there and then it will fry around the tank like crazy. SS has calmed dowm a bit since I bought it but still does this. It also hides from me when I come near the tank. I read that when they are stressed or fearful their color turns lighter and SS has always had a light color except for when I first saw it in the store. Then only other fish I have in there is a black preg female molly and the other unidentified algue eater, which are both very peaceful. Maybe it needs more time to adjust. :/
The unidentified fish will be one of the farlowella family,great algea eaters and very peaceful,they are also a great early warning system for poor water quality,if things start to go bad they will go to the surface and poke their noses out of the water.
Is that so......hahaha!!! When I first got this fish I couldn't put it in the tank I was going to put it in because ich broke out with my mollies, anyway I put him in the other cycling 10gal. When I went away I asked my mom to get some algue woofers for them and SS but she didn't. When I got home he had his nose sticking out of the tank. When I removed the sick mollies to another tank I put them in and they love the algue and I have TONS of it. Their little bellies are getting round. SS more them twiggy. :lol:

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