Can You Have A Too Bigger Filter


New Member
Jun 25, 2006
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i have a rio 180 and am looking for an external filter would one from the 'Eheim Professional 2' range be too much or can you not get too much of a good thing? i know of one for sale but i dont want it to be so powerful it sucks up the fish :-(
I would say it depends on the fish you have- for most, powerful filtration is good, but for others, it can stress them out. For example, gourami's, fancy guppies and bettas prefer a gentle current, but for others like danios, standard mollies and white cloud mountain minnows, they appreciate a strong well oxygenated current :thumbs: .
There is nothing wrong with over filtration, and there are ways to deal with the increased water movement. A sponge over the intake keeps the smaller fish from being sucked in, a necessity with fry. The spray bar can be directed down, or towards the back of the side it is attached to, practically eliminating any current.

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