Can I put a gold gourami


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2004
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The guy at the store told me yes, then he said it would be "fun to see what would happen".
So I thought I'd ask here: I'm looking to stock a 55 gallon tank that will need FISH. Currently in my 10 gallon I have 2 baby tiger barbs, a yellow and a rosy barb, a red ram (although it looks more yellow to me, and it's really tiny) and a blue and a red both dwarf gouramis.
Now, I think I'm getting rid of those nippy tiger barbs and taking them back to the store for credit. Everywhere I read they're hard to get along with.
So what about the gold gourami?

Also, what about rainbow fish, platys or a blood red parrotfish?

I thought the gold gourami was really pretty.

Any other ideas? I'm looking for a pretty, colorful tank. THANKS!@
If its for a 55 i would kepe the tiger barbs but add about 4 more. They will school and fight among themselves so they will leave the other fish alone. As for the gold gourami, if the tank is very well planted with plenty of hiding spots it would be alright to get 1 or 2 Females. Do not ever put Male Blue/Gold/Opaline Gouramis with dwarfs because they are very territorial and aggressive twords there own kind. Females are very peaceful in my experiances.
I have

A Gold
A Three Spot
A Dwarf Neon
and A Dwarf Honey.

They get on fine.

they each have enough room and hidey holes to occupy them.

They do chase each oter but only for a fleeting moment then its back to normal.

The Dwarf Neon is the Most dominant and the Gold and 3spot stay at the back behind the rock background and have enough space behind there.

just depends on the fish and if you get lucky.

If I do get a gold, and my dwarf blue and dwarf red are males, should I get another male or a female????

not sure.

i think all mine are males

apart from the female


all are male apaprt from the honey.
I'll be adding it to the 55. I'm trying to get my stocking ideas straight.
I'm thinking of getting more gouramis,
rainbow fish,
possibly an angel,
maybe the darker red barbs.
I have a gold gourami with 2 dwarfs, and they get along great. They are all males. I know that. I have never found them to be a problem.
If I get a female, would both my males fight over her? Should I get TWO females? Decisions...decisions..

anastasia...your tank set up sounds similar to what I'll have... :D
I have a male opaline, a female gold, a female what appears to be a platinum but the fish store said that he was blue, and 2 pearl gouramis with a school of dwarf neon rainbows and a pair of paradise fish, and the gold female is by far the most aggressive. She and the female platinum even do the kissing thing. Good Luck!!!!!!

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