Can I Feed my Otto Cucumber?


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
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New Hampshire, USA
-_- I was wondering if I can feed my otto cucumber? If so, how to I prepare it? I haven't been giving him food, since assumed that he was grazing on the algae but I don't think that's enough. I frequently tried dropping some algae wafters into the tank, but my otto ignored them and the other fish swarm around and start nibbling on them. I'm planning to get a bunch more ottos and was just curious what they can eat. :rolleyes:
Hi Sasha!

Yes you can feed your Ottos cucumber. I cut the skin off and microwave it in water for about 20 seconds.
:D Thanks rykitten! I'm going to go and try that. Is it fine if my other fish (guppies, platies, mollies and tetras) eat the cucumber too? What other foods are suitable for ottos? I haven'y really experimented with a variety of foods besides frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms, so I'm eager to offer them a new variety. :thumbs:
Hi Sasha :)

I doubt if cucumber will hurt any of your fish. If they eat it, it will be good for them. So will those algae wafers, so drop some of them in there for all your fish to enjoy. :D

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