Can Convict Cichlids Go With Malawi Cichlids?

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Jun 24, 2008
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Ive seen some stunning convicts in a local centre and they are already paired off. will it be ok to introduce them into a 60g tank with around 10 malawi cichlids, a jewel cichlid and 2 plecs?
Depending on what Malawis you have I'd ask the question, "Can Malawis go with Convicts"?, but I s'pose if they survive with your Jewels, they should stand up to the convicts as well, so long as they stay clear when its breeding time..... Maybe then a 60 gal won't be big enough.
It's not a good idea. I'd say

No, No, No

I consider Malawi mbuna my semi speciality b/c I have a 125 gallon tank AND I've been reading about them for months and months....although I still have alot to learn. It's generally a no no mix africans and americans :good:
Ive seen some stunning convicts in a local centre and they are already paired off.
Plus, if you can get a 29 gallon, not to expensive at all if you look for a second hand one, you'll be able to oberve their interesting breeding and general behavior patterns. Otherwise, they could very well be chasing other fish most of the time when they are ready to breed, which should be every few weeks!
have an 90gall malawii set up.
At the moment it contains an assortment of fish.
From nimbochromis to peacocks,
from zebras to ahlis
A mix as most africans do.

Now i also have a 4 inch convict/saijca hybrid.
He lives perfectly happy in the tank, and is generally
able to handle any aggression whilst placid himself.

No problems have occurd so far :good:

in response to cal,
african's are a recipie for aggression soup anyways :p

i'd probly stay clear of a pair though ^^
well hush my mouth. I would never have recommended it, but if it works for you, then full speed ahead


Dont hush urself :)

i may just be lucky, or that its a lone specimin.
Even i dot recommend a pair ^^
Worth a try, but i wouldnt do it personally tho,

knowing how my pair of cons were in there own tank.
but maybe african can handle it. Nice big mabuna should be able too
I have a fully grown convict in with a mixture of malawi and hes fine

as Zawiha put it
"He lives perfectly happy in the tank, and is generally able to handle any aggression whilst placid himself"
IMO, It's best not to mix what doesn't occur at least semi naturally in the wild.

This may be a bit off, but you'll get the point....Zoos don't put Tigers and Lions together, do they? Just because it sometimes can be done, doesn't mean it's best for the fish. Things like that usually happen because of what the fishkeeper wants.
Thank you for the lesson in Biology. Thats what I'm studying at Uni...Knew there was something I hadn't revised.

Zoos don't put Tigers and Lions together, do they?
Actually it does happen.
:crazy: :crazy: Obviously, that would be a "bad" zoo if they house them together. :sly: I've NEVER been to a zoo that housed something like that together (and I've been to zoos from Arizona to Ohio). So, that could go along the lines of a fishkeeper who wanted to do what they wanted instead of what's best for their creatures overall and for the long term. :rolleyes:

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