caboma caroliniana


New Member
May 14, 2003
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Hi, I just bought some caboma caroliniana for my tank. I was told that cichlids will not eat this plant, is this true?

The store had lots in their cichlids tanks.

What type of requirments are needed for this plant? Any other info you could give me about caboma would be very much appreciated.

Also for a friend, she wants to make a nice display of tropical and live plants in her 25 gal tank. What types of fish will not eat her plants and make a nice display?

Lynn 8) :fun:
I'm not very knowledgable about plants, but I do have cichlid tank and the only plant that they don't eat is java fern. Anything else gets eaten very quickly. If your friend wants a display of plants in her tank, she should keep the smaller fish - like neons and guppies. The larger fish tend to disrupt the plants by either knocking into them (like my plec) or eating chunks out of them. I think that most fish like a nibble every now and then, but if they're small it's not so noticable.
Thank you for the replies. I just love your tank setup. What beautiful plants you have in there. I noticed you don't have a Pleco. Do the Apple Snails do that good of a job keeping the tank clean?


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