building a pond


New Member
Feb 8, 2003
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I am currently digging a pond which will be just over a thousand gallons,i wanted to use a kockney koi filter with a vortex,fg4000v i think it is called,will this be big enough to cope? if anyone has any do's and don'ts from experience i would appreciate any help or advise.
cheers Andy.
What is the GPH or Litres per hour of this pump the reccomended turnover is 3-5 times the water volume per hour. Sounds a lot but its very hard to over filter a tank unless its like a wave machine! :)
:D Hi Andy, welcome to the wonderful world of ponding! :D :D :D

Are you building the pond yourself? The filtration sounds fine. Some of my best newbie advise is:

Don't cut the liner for a couple months. Just fold back the excess and stash it under the rocks on the edge. (Unless you plan a berm with plants, then cover it with dirt) New ponds may settle, you may need to adjust your level.

Measure the level, measure it again and again. An unlevel pond will drive you crazy. On side will overflow, the other will show liner.

Keep leaves and debris netted out. Rotting vegetation can foul your water pretty fast.

No matter how busy you are, never leave the hose running! (I learned this one the hard way) Also always treat the water for chlorine and chloramines.

Make sure you have a comfy spot to sit and watch your fish. I bet you'll spend lots of time just sitting and listening to the waterfall sounds, you did plan a waterfall? :D :D

There's so much, predators, rainwater runoff, I'd like to link you to my favorite ponding forum.

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