breeding my gourami


Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2004
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i've got one gold gourami, about 2" long. I want to buy it's mate. If I buy a blue one instead of gold, will they still breed? or do they have to be the same colour?
on the otherhand i think they will
you have to check whether you have a gold 3 spot or a gold pearl gourami.
i have 2 gold 3spot and(male and fem) 1 blue(fem) and the female gold gets chased off by them ,they never leave each others side the male gold and female blue.
I think unless someone proves otherwise i truly belive they would breed!!

But i may be wrong!
Are gouramis hard to breed/raise. Would I need expert advice or any special stuff. I did read on another post that they are hard to raise. If that's true, why is that??? ;)
They arent hard to breed, and they need no special equiment.but rasing the fry is hard because of the need for very moist humid air when they start to develop their labyrinth organ, if not when they take their first breath and its not moist they will die of shock.
If I do breed my gourami, what do I do to the air/tank to make it moist - so they don't die? They'd definately be something different to breed.
Cover the tank with plastic wrap so it makes it very humid, there might be other ways but I dont know of any at the moment.

Hi sushi :)

Gouramis are easy to breed, but the fry are very difficult to raise. :nod:

The fry are so very tiny that it's hard to feed them adequately and the surface of the water must be kept slightly broken and absolutely clean.

If you have raised egglayer's fry before and are open to a real challenge, give it a try. But, I wouldn't recommend them to a breeding beginner.

And please, do not attempt to mix colors. :sick:
oK. i won't mix colours. It's just a thought I had.
I haven't bred egg layers b4, or anything for that matter. I would try somthing easier b4 breeding gouramis. My platties are pregnant, so that's where i'm starting at.
Thankyou for everyones advice. I'll use it if I ever do breed gouramis. Sounds like a bit of work, not just a cute hobby!
Hi sushi :)

I'm glad you decided to reconsider breeding the gouramis. :nod:

If you want to try to breed and egg-laying fish, I recommend that you get a small school of C. aeneus, either bronze or albino. They are fine little fish and quite easy to breed.

Then, when you are ready, I'll be happy to help you breed your gouramis. :nod:
My blue gouramis are about to have fry, now, should I put plastic wrap around the tank?And can I feed them brin shrimp that have just been hatched as soon as they are born?

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