breeding Gouramis


New Member
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
East Windsor, NJ
i believe my 2 gourami want to spawn my tank is full of bubbles and my male is always around the female.

now the thing is 1 of them is a Gold Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) and the other is a blue gourami also part of the (Trichogaster trichopterus) family. so im guesing that this mix should be ok?
let me know if anyone had any expirience with this or similar. or let me know what you think.

In fact they are the same species!! The family, which you referred to includes all other gouramis, and bettas. The genus which is the first name narrows it down to the pearls, moons, and snakeskins. The last word is the species name. So they are fine to breed together they are the same type of fish. You will get no yellow fish in this generation as that is a recessive gene.
oh really ? i figured there would be an even mix of blue and gold ones, so there will be no difference between the (blue) female and their fry?

thanx for the info

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