Breeding Bristlenoses


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2017
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Was wondering if anyone can help.
I used to have a 90L naturally planted tank with a couple of pieces of granite and a wooden ornament. I now have a 200L naturally planted tank with two pieces of oak wood and no granite.
My two longfinned calico bristlenoses bred in the 90L tank but won't breed in the 200L, it's been nearly 2yrs since they last bred. Any suggestions on what could be the difference?
Water parameters are the same as in the old tank. Difference is I now have a external canister filter whereas the 90L tank had a sump type filter in the lid.
I'm not sure what could be so different that they would only breed once in 3yrs of having them?
Might be an age thing if 2 years; or could be water condition - what is your tds/gh/kh ?
As mentioned above by anewbie, the water chemistry might have changed at the supply side.
New fish in the tank might be interrupting the bristlenose.
Lack of water changes or food.
Lack of suitable hiding places/ nesting sites.

If you still have the smaller tank, you could try putting them in that for a few months and see if they breed. If they do, then something in the bigger tank is upsetting them.

You can try doing a big (75%) water change each day for a week. Use slightly cooler water and see if that stirs them up.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

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