Blue Ringed Octopus

aaah, the natural sea water changes probably explains why he's so happy, plus the fact he doesnt have to hunt out crab - I'd be happy if I could get my wife feeding me every other day

That said, you have my respect, I wouldnt have the guts to keep one - keep us updated.
is he full size you
do you expect him to
grow a bit more hes sounds
like hes doing OK i must
say the same as the last guy
you must have some guts one
of the worlds most dangerous
animals and you have one as a pet
i was going to ask is he just poisonous
when he bites or is he also poisonous
just by touching you often wondered

what your next pet going to be a blow fish

funny things them blueringed octosquidly's
RIP Yog-Sothoth.

He lived a great little life. Passed peacefully last night, probably of old age considering he was fully grown when i caught him. I will keep another one if i happen to stumble across a younger one in the future.

:( Sad day
arghhhh gutted

octopuses one of my favourite animals andhe looked a beauty

RIP Yog!! :sad:
They only have a lifespan of 6 months don't they? Congratz on providing the right conditions for him, think next time you may get an un deadly one :)

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