Blue Gouramis Breeding Advice


New Member
Aug 15, 2004
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Hi there! I have been trying to breed Blue(Cosby) Gouramis for a long time now with absolutely no success at all. I have two well-grown pairs of Blue Gouramis and the female has a really bloated belly - a sign that she is full of eggs. I put the pair after feeding them well for over 10 days into a 5 gallon tank with the water level at 5 inches and with some floating plastic green leaves flating to help the male make the customary bubble nest. I cut light and disturbances by covering the tank with a towel letting only limited light pass through. Water temp. was maintained at 30deg C.

After two days nothings seems to have happened at all! The two appear just as they were when I put them in the tank. No bubble nest no nothing. I have tried these steps several times, sometimes putting the pair in a dark plastic tub covered to preserve surface humidity.

I appears that I am running out of ideas now. Someone who has been successful breeding blue gouramis please help. Please send your response to [email protected].

Thank you!

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