Blood parrot got beat up


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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i have a BP that's around the 5 6" range,he like's to pick on my carpenti and everyone else except my gt,2 wks ago i did a major vaccing on my tank which involves me taking all the decor out alot of my big cats live in this decor so i don't get to see them that much,but there is this one (poko sun cat)i forget the sci name :blush: anyway he's now around 7 8"s.ok here's the point as soon as the BP saw it he started chasing it until the cat fought back now the cat is constantly chasing the BP and is grabbing his fin and pulling on them like he's trying to kill him.the BP is the only one he does this to.any ideas why?i'd say self defense but the BP stay's away from him now.

i'll try to find the sci name of the cat(it's like an olive green w/a black dot on the sides)
Maybe your cat just does'nt like "mutts" ;)  ;)  :laugh:  :laugh:

Sorry Most...just could not resist. I really don't have a reason other than maybe the cat feels threatened. I have never owned BP so it's really hard to say.
oooooh low blow there CM :blush: lol
don't worry i'm taking the BP to my lfs(shark aquarium)i think they credit you half what the fish is worth so i may pick up a few targets/dithers,i'm also taking the cat back,i've had them both for yrs now and my 90 could use a few new faces.

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