Bloated Betta


New Member
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Apr 18, 2019
Reaction score
Utah, U.S.A.
My boy has not been himself now for about a week. He lost interest in his food so I'd let him fast for about a day. I would try feeding him again and he'd only eat one or two pellets, then I would fast him again. I noticed he was looking really bloated Saturday night so I did a 75% water change and tested the water. He's currently hanging out at the top of his tank. it looks like he's having trouble getting around. I have not tried to feed him since Friday night. I'm concerned that he has some kind of blockage. I haven't noticed any poop in a while. Any help would be greatly apriciated, thank you!

He's in a 6.5 gallon filtered and heated tank that has been running since April. His only tank mate is a horned nerite snail.

KH: 80
GH: 120
Temp: 78

bloated fish.jpg
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It looks like his scales are sticking out around his belly. If this is the case, then he has dropsy and there is no cure. Dropsy is normally caused by an internal bacterial infection and the fish suffers from fluid in the body and organ failure.

If it is dropsy, then euthanise the fish.
You don’t have to euthanize him, if you don’t feel up to it. Just make him comfortable, and wait till it happens.

I am sorry....:(
Thank you both for your advice. He seems worse today so I think euthanasia will be best. I’m headed to the store today so I’ll pick up some clove oil.

I know this might sound like an odd question, but I would prefer to keep my tank running if I can. I have a few live plants and a snail in it. Would it be safe if I left it running for a few weeks, with regular water changes, and then added another fish?
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Wipe the inside of the glass down.

Clean the filter.

Do a 90% water change and gravel clean every day for a couple of weeks to flush out anything that might be in the tank and it should be ok, but it depends on what caused the problem.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.
If you euthanize him, I heard that putting hi into ice water kills him faster
I’m sorry but Ice water is not faster and painful. I use Clove oil and vodka. Mix about 8 drops of Clove oil with a couple tablespoons of tank water. Shake it really well. If. You have some vodka add a teaspoon of that too and if you need it, take a big swig. Add a couple of drops of the mixture at a time to small container ( like plastic butter dish) containing fish and tank water. He will drift off to sleep. Add a few more drops and wait for gills to quit moving. It should take only a few seconds Then leave him in the mixture for 20 more minutes. I am so sorry you have to do this.

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