Betta is in trouble UPDATE


New Member
May 11, 2020
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New Jersey
This is Sushi, my precious betta in trouble...he is experiencing lump like clusters all over body. He has had it a long time not (4-5 months) I have tried it all from betta fix, almond leaves to kanaplex to no avail. Please if anyone had suggestions please let me know what I can do. It looks like his fins are starting to go.


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I don’t have my kit with me at the moment. I will post it as soon as I can...Do you think it’s fungal?
Honestly, I’m not sure.
Someone experience like @essjay @Byron or @PheonixKingZ might be along soon. The more info you can give about the tank the better. What’s he in? Do you have plants, even fake that he can rest on? Do you have a heater and what’s the temp in your tank?
There’s no chance of there being ammonia bc I am pretty good with water changes. The temp is around 82. And he currently doesn’t have anything to rest on-I might throw in an extra almond leaf for him.
Edit: he’s in a five gallon, no plants, terra-cotta pot and some almond leaves and alder cones. He has a sponge filter as well.
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I frankly would euthanize that fish ASAP, I cannot stand to see fish in this condition. I'm not going to suggest what this might be, some other members may have the experience to do so, and if they can suggest treatments OK.
It’s not as easy as just 123. I understand he clearly not doing well but I need to know if there’s anything I can do for him before I even consider that. He is alert, feeds readily and still had his great little personality. Not to mention he is still pretty active. I just ordered him a hammock it will arrive tomorrow. I just don’t understand where I went wrong. I have another betta in a separate 5 gallon, same water, same everything and he’s absolutely fine.
Is there anything else in the tank? Decorations? Plants? Other fish?

You said it's a few months - could he have injured himself & it got infected?
He is by himself just the way he likes it. I made the mistake of having both my bettas in one five gallon tank with a divider. Sushi got to Reginalds (my other betta) side and I believe Reginald might have bit him a few times. He developed the lumps maybe a month or so after? Lesson learned. They now each have two separate five gallon tanks, far away from eachother. As far as decor Sushi’s tank is minimum. Terra-cotta pot, a sponge filter, some almond leaves and one alder cone. I am trying to keep the tank as clean as possible with frequent water changes.
Looks like a mixture of fungal, fin rot, and to add on to all that, a tumor.

I had a betta with a tumor a while back - did everything I possibly could for it, but it died shortly after.

I would euthanize it... clove oil works best. Please don't freeze him, because the ice crystals could form in his gills, causing extreme pain before death. With clove oil, they just go to sleep.

I'm very sorry to be telling you this. It was nothing you did wrong on the tumor - these things happen and they are sad. :(
I used kanaplex, if it were fungal wouldn’t that have cleared it up? I am treating with Melafix as well for the fin rot. I figure I will just make sure he is as comfortable as possible.
Lymphocystis? It's viral, spread by injuries. If this is what he has I'm sorry, there is no treatment. Just keep him comfortable.

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