Betta Diet Help Appreciated


New Member
Mar 18, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

I'm getting a Betta fish and have read a lot of conflicting information online about their diet. Can anyone give me some idea of what to feed a betta for a balanced diet? Sorry if that's a bit of a silly question, I just want to get this right.

Thank you for any and all advice
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A varied diet is best. Flake foods or pellets are OK - but try to pick ones with a high meat/protein content, as they will be the most nutritious. Daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, glassworm, mysis shrimp are also good options, either live or frozen (be careful where you source your live food from, though, as it can sometimes carry parasites). You can feed bloodworms as an occasional treat, but not a staple - they're the fish equivalent of fast food and not very healthy. I think that's pretty much it. It will also depend on what your betta likes ;) This site has a pretty handy list of some foods, along with their pros and cons:
I fast all of my fish once a week, and the day before that my bettas all get blanched and peeled peas. It helps to clean out their digestive tract.
I feed New Lfe Spectrum Betta Pellets and Farnham Insect Bites. I feed twice a day so pellets in the morning and insect bites at night. At night, a couple of times a week I feed them newly hatched baby brine shrimp.
I don’t suggest flakes.

I feed my Betta Omega One Betta Buffet Pellets and Fluval Bug Bites, both of which are packed with protein and nutrients. (Feed 5 of #1 and 2 of #2 per day, 5 days a week and fast on the weekend)

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