Betta Breathing extra heavy after Jungle fungus cure


Fish Fanatic
Jan 20, 2022
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I just added jungle fungus cure three hours ago to treat my betta for columnaris but now he's breathing extra heavy. I added the correct dose but I'm scared that I poisoned him! Should I do a emergency water change or is it too late?
Tank size: 5 gallon

Heater and filter? (yes/no): Yes to both

Tank temperature:80 F

Parameters in numbers and how you got them: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 ppm nitrate-- API test kit

How long have you had the tank? 4 months How long have you had your fish?: 4 months

How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?:

I've been doing daily 50 water changes.

Any tankmates? No

What do you feed and how much: fluval bug bites

Decorations and plants in the tank: cave, Anubis
I would do a massive 75% water change. You really dont want to treat with meds... Try to treat it with salt instead... I dont know this brand but I would definitely stop using it if it causes these problems
I would also turn down the temp a few degrees. Maybe go to about 76
I have to turn to meds because just aquarium salt and water changes weren't working. I used the jungle brand because it's supposed to be a substitute for furan-2. I tried treating with kanaplex but it didn't do much. I just did the water change and will monitor him. I had a former thread and have been trying to heal my betta for a month+.
Thank you for replying, I really appreciate it!
I have to turn to meds because just aquarium salt and water changes weren't working. I used the jungle brand because it's supposed to be a substitute for furan-2. I tried treating with kanaplex but it didn't do much.
Could we see a picture of the fish?
This was him a few days ago. He looks about the same but has only been lethargic, breathing heavy on the bottom for a while now. He still comes up to eat, but it seems that when he eats he's still in pain and will dart back down immediately after eating. I was getting help form Collin but he hasn't been online for a few days.

I consulted with other people online and they diagnosed him with columnaris.


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Yeah, I've looked at that site too. Like I said, I was using the jungle tabs as a substitute for furan-2 since they contain the same antibiotic(nitrofurazone). I shouldn't have dosed the recommended amount since my fish was probably too weak for that. Some amazon reviews also stated that this medication killed their fish so I feel so stupid for not listening to them.
Yeah, I've looked at that site too. Like I said, I was using the jungle tabs as a substitute for furan-2 since they contain the same antibiotic(nitrofurazone). I shouldn't have dosed the recommended amount since my fish was probably too weak for that. Some amazon reviews also stated that this medication killed their fish so I feel so stupid for not listening to them.
Just like people, different fish have different reactions... There is no way you could've known it would kill your fish.
Just like people, different fish have different reactions... There is no way you could've known it would kill your fish.
Yeah, you're right. If he's still here tomorrow morning I'll see what I can do next. His quality of life seems to be pretty bad at this moment, so I'm thinking about euthanasia next.
Yeah, you're right. If he's still here tomorrow morning I'll see what I can do next. His quality of life seems to be pretty bad at this moment, so I'm thinking about euthanasia next.
Even though its hard to do, sometimes its the most humane option... I would try giving it a few more days though and see how treatment goes.
Even though its hard to do, sometimes its the most humane option... I would try giving it a few more days though and see how treatment goes.
Do you recommend trying smaller doses of the jungle fungus clear tab? I've tried erythromycin and kanaplex so I feel like I'm running out of options .
Do you recommend trying smaller doses of the jungle fungus clear tab? I've tried erythromycin and kanaplex so I feel like I'm running out of options .
You can try less potent doses and see if it works... I really hope he pulls through! This may sound hopeless but at this point its either stop treating and he dies or by some miracle not, OR treat and hope for the best...

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